
Sunday 27 December 2015

Of Mornings, Next to You.

As the light begins to pour in,
Through the filters of the curtains,
I am awake for a brief while.
He's still asleep,

The sun is streaming in gently,
I climb up our legs, entwined.
I squint against the light,
Shutting my eyes tight,
I bury my face in my favourite place,
Between your head and your shoulder ; the perfect sculpted space.

The warmth of your closeness,
The rhythm of the breath in your chest,
Make me fall in sleep again.
I breathe in your morning fragrance,
I let sleep take over..
Love felt, unexpressed, kept for later.

I reach out to feel your stubble against my palm,
And put my fingers through your hair.
Your body so calm,
Your soul bare.

Waking up next to you is so bewildering,
It takes me a while to know that I ain't dreaming.
Your innocent face, your half smile, the lashes of your still shut eyes, those tiny dark circles because of lack of sleep.
How vulnerable, yet desirable you look when asleep.

The way you caress, the way you pull me closer,
Your sometimes arousing, your sometimes calming whisper.
What more I wonder, would heaven be?

This, a reality far beautiful than a dream could ever be.
