I felt like writing, so here are 50 Confessions.
The next part should be up soon.!
1.I am a hopelessly caring one.
2.I totally love it when someone sings to me, no matter the voice is good or not.
3.There's this one person who I cannot imagine my existence without, that's Animeha Singh. You make her cry, I kill you.
4.I'd love to be in love.
5.I love listening to Sidharth read out whatever short little things he writes, or saves in the drafts.
6.I love cold coffee.. making it, drinking it. Everything. ITS ADDICTIVE.
7.I Love cooking when someone asks me to cook for them.
8.I can kill the person who intentionally or unintentionally raises his/her voice on my mother. I love her. and so you want to bring out the monster in me, Try this.
9.I am so freaking proud to have a brother like the one I have and seeing him happy is what I pray for..
10.Though my dad is one of those short-tempered ones, but I love him to the core.
11.I love shoes. Yes as Ankit (one of my classmates here at college) says, "Shoes are my drugs.!"
12.Dancing makes me happy.
13.I love hugs, those long tight ones.
14.I love holding hands.
15.I am affectionate, I just fail to express that.
16.I love long walks, those under the starry sky.
17.I love road trips, and scenic views, they give me peace.
18.I love being the reason for someone's happiness.
19.I love being stupid, only in front of people I love and trust. So If I act stupid in front of you, that means I trust you.
20.I love Sangya's singing. She's amazing!
21.I don't forget what people tell me, be it my flaws, or praise, or anything that has hurt me.
22.I forgive easily.
23.My anger is short lived, comes soon , leaves sooner.
24.I love treating Pravesha as my little kid, It gives me happiness to see her smiling and happy.I love her.
25.I love the feel of cold winds on my face.
26.I love rains.
27.I love "being there" for people close to me.They smile and I forget my worries.
28.I am always laughing, chirpy, bubbly, smiling..when I am not, ah..something's troubling me!
29.It takes a lot to make me speak about the inner feelings, may be of happiness or of hurt.
30.I believe in loving unconditionally, purely, irrevocably and selflessly.
31.I am extra-sensitive to touch.
32.I can help people to the extent where I forget my own needs.
33.I love Perfumes and people who smell good, its a turn-on!
34.I trust easily.
35.I think that there are some wounds which never heal, which only the person who has given you those can heal. and I have one such wound in my heart.
36.I have a desire to touch someone's heart deeply , just once. To have an impact on someone's life.
37.I love it when someone shares their sadness or grief with me rather than the happiness.
38.I LOVE going on walks with ILU and SARTHAK.
39.If I say, I love you or I miss you, I mean it , like 100%!
40.I am PRETTY AWESOME with remembering birthdays,anniversaries and dates, and I like being the first person to wish right at 12!
41.Since I was never pampered much as a kid, I love it when my friends pamper me.
42. - deleted-
43.I believe that when someone is special to you, you should make them feel special always, not on just one single day of the year or month.
44.Its okay, when people take me for granted, I still love them with all my heart, If I once had, I always will.I believe what all good you do, never goes to waste.
45.It takes a lot of time for me to speak it up when I am upset about something.Most of the times it goes unnoticed behind the 24*7 smile.
46.I miss a few things and moments terribly.
47.I love long drives.
48.I am someone who can go to great extents for people I love.
49.I am easily hurt, though I don't prefer showing that .
50.Whenever I miss people , I re-read old texts, conversations and go through their pictures.


I am so much in love with Anklets! So that's why this! :)